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Spiritually-oriented views on "The Wave Book"

The following, I have to admit, is rather New Age-ish (rhymes with sewage-ish) It really is just blind speculation on the effects of different vibrational levels on this "life" thing (otherwise known as existance.) See Schrodinger's cat for further reference. Still, it borders on some sort of macro-biofeedback, on a global scale. Being in the Commercial Age...ok, "Informed Commercial Age," centers on frequencies that resonate with "base" desires...physical wants, pleasures of the body, adrenaline/endorphine rushes, and so on. IF these are just effects that resonate with the Earth's current resonant frequency, then perhaps different aspects of existence manifest themselves under different resonant environments. This goes for astrology too.

Due to the use of geomancy and other concerted efforts by interested parties to raise the Earth's harmonic, we are currently in a transition period, building up the notes until we get to the next higher octave. Our "Hammond Organ of Emotion" can play in many different scales, but we can only hear (in this case, sense, act, and think) those in the octave the Earth is droning (like the drones on bagpipes). The next higher scale has notes in it that we react to on levels perhaps unknown to us, or to few of us. Perhaps they use the extra mass of the brain as an antenna, catching frequencies at some proportion to the amount of antenna and reacting accordingly. Whether these may be carriers for extra-sensory information like ESP, or something even grander, perhaps only those geomancers, Atlantians, crop-circle makers, pyramid builders can know or dream of.

Here we are at the edge of tomorrow. What all this has to do with us, we'll just have to see. As far as the projected asteroid in 20?? (or other suitable mega-disaster, such as axial tilt or solar flares), my notes say, it would probably end most of the life on the planet. But I think we're (some of the population of Earth, but not most) going to be raised-up to the next vibrational level. One morning, we could wake up and be pleasantly aware that things are not what they were the night before. When the mayan calendar rolls over, it will only signal the end of the world as we know it. We could be driving down the road and in the next moment, sitting on our asses in a field of wildflowers, again, fully aware of the change that took place. But only aspects of those that can hum the tune along with those natural things will even fit in the next harmonic.

As far as what the next harmonic is like, the best info would probably come from Buddhism, and related texts. Its funny, tho, that many of the major religious teachings say that these are times of significant change. Greater than the change any (or all) human invention has had on humanity as a whole. The first lunar landing probably blew a few minds, and changed the thinking of masses of people, like finding out the world was round...such changes that make people (globally) think differently about the world around them, which brings about change in the entire system, whether subtle or outright blatant.

Had a chat with my friend Bob on 16Feb2006 and laid this idea for a ritual on him. A ritual structure familiar to several forms of spirituality would be used:

  • Cleanse - Incense, salt, water
    • All walk circumference clock-wise 3 times, one for each element, each person as a supply of each?
  • Invoke - Earth, Fire, Water, Air, Deity
    • [Choreography]?? All follow invocation path for each pentagram, return to circumference
    • [Vocals]?? Start Dischordant, gradually insert elemental component (tbd), progressions transition elements
  • Core / Purpose / Offering
    • [Choreography]?? Period for specific purpose, the meaning/theme, ie prayer, seasonal celebration
    • [Vocals]?? Starts and Ends with Aum
  • Banish
    • [Choreography]?? Reverse Invocation
    • [Vocals]?? progress thru elements, transition to dischordant, fade

    4:00 PM me: just came up with an idea after seeing

    4:04 PM rcanzlovar: well that certainly does look interesting.. what is your idea?

    4:06 PM me: rate/circumference would give frequency that'd translate to chanting harmonics

    4:06 PM rcanzlovar: hmm.. i was just thinking that it would be interesting to have a bunch of ppl going around, observing each other's positions.

    4:07 PM me: things are more rounded in nature

    4:07 PM rcanzlovar: did a similar thing demonstrating retrograde motion of planets had ppl going round a rock quickly in the center, then others in wider arcs.. looking at the apparent motion against the background

    4:08 PM me: something reminds me of sinusoidal neat :)

    4:09 PM rcanzlovar: yup.. i think this was a workshop at d-fest

    4:12 PM me: would need a group to experiment, or write an app mostly for figuring out spacing

    4:13 PM and diameter

    4:16 PM start/end with everyone along circumference, walking around, chanting Aum or s'th

    4:18 PM heh...this could be really interesting

    4:20 PM maj/min/aug/dim/7th

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