The All-Important Legal Mumbojumbo
The legalities have been on my mind, and I have been wondering about the possibilities. It seems that it could start out as a hobby, and see what progresses from there. The basics would mostly involve waivers at first, the protection of my family and their investment is paramount. My project is one way my family can provide to a greater community. Any seasonal rentals would be typical rental arrangements between my family and the tenants, but the group facility would be "invited guests" in a way. It seems like a better attitude than referring to users as "customers".
A non-profit would seem the way to go for the long run. It could lease the facilities from my family and use revenue from facility use for helping other groups do similar things. Specific spiritual, artistic, or mundane uses could focus such a legal entity one way or another, or it could be an umbrella for all sorts of groups. In a way, I would like to see this project in a light similar to a community raising a community barn. I'm not sure how such a thing would be legally defined :)
The BarkEaterStudios? umbrella project could have liability issues regarding the use of equipment such as carpentry tools.